We really did survive the first week, and are ready to relax. As I type, and dinner slowly simmers, the boys are outside enjoying the time they have been begging for all week to play out in the snow. The rest of the week homework came first, and then sleep...

I am greatly enjoying the fact that it is light outside until 6pm here and that the sun has usually risen by 7am! Such a difference from Latvia! I already feel like I have more energy as a result of that. If the last few days were cold and snowy, today and yesterday were cold and sunny. I didn't realize how much I had missed the sun.

Yesterday, my landlady said that for the money that I am paying her to do shopping she feels that she should do more for me. She wants to make dinner for us every night. I talked to the boys and they enjoy her food, so we will try it out. Right now I am feeling that pretty soon I won't have any responsibilities at home besides the boys. :-) Harsh reality will hit someday when I return to a normal life. Yet, now I do not have any excuses for not getting things done - like exercising, learning Russian, planning for a new school in Latvia...

This week has been a good one for me in the classroom. My students have settled in easily. We have been preparing for our Monday assembly and tying up the loose ends of our last unit, as well as the measurement unit in Math. Next week I hope to begin a new unit, and I will have to meet with Alex over the weekend to put in some planning hours that never seem to be able to happen at school.

Today my class ended out the week with a visit to grade 3 (Didzis' class) where we shared their biographies about scientists and inventors that they wrote. The Grade 3 students are preparing to write autobiographies, so the experience prepared them for this process. The kids were great working together. Below is a picture of Didzis with one of my class members. The whole group was just as focused as the two of them below.

I have added some pictures of yesterday's snow fun. Here is Didzis enjoying the moment of throwing a snowball:

Namejs' class decided to build a fort and here you see him with his classmates, and then a close up of him after he dumped the snow onto the fort:

Then finally, just some pictures of fun in the snow! The two girls are headed towards me to target me with snowballs. Plus a rare picture of me while on recess duty.

By the way, I have set up the blog now so that if those of you reading post a message, that I will receive the message via e-mail also. Additionally I have made it so that anyone can post not just gmail folks. So feel free to post, I would love to see how many of you are actually reading the blog. :-) Right now I can actually access the blog and the messages from here, but I fully expect that to change after a time again.


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