Some people have asked me if my comments about life here are real or if I am holding back from public commentary. I have to say that I hold back from nothing except about my ex. Things here are still going well. At work as expected there are always political issues, but to be honest, they are minor in comparison to what I went through last year. What I love about life here is my ability to finally be with the boys and spend quality time with them without so many of the other responsibilities of life.
Last night Didzis had a movie night with the twins in his class, and I went with Namejs to the work TGIF. There were lots of kids there, and we had the bar turn on the cartoon channel for them. I got to hold a beautiful baby boy and enjoyed the process of time with him, and being able to give him back. :-)
Tonight the friends that I will be travelling with to Samarkand came over, and we had a great sauna/dinner evening. I alwyas have a good time with these guys, and I look forward to them coming to visit me in Latvia at the end of the summer. Here is a picture from last night where you can see the dad feeding the very same baby that I held comfortably...
Last weekend the boys and I also had a busy weekend. On Friday I went to the Tashkent Women's International Group's fashion show. It is a fancy ball. I had agreed to sit with a friend and an entire table of people who I did not really know very well. The friend got sick and left in the middle of the ball.... It was OK, and I got to know a few new people. I had gone together with my friend Suzanne, and our boys had stayed at home together. The next morning we went in the sauna and relaxed. In the above post you will see a series of pictures that will show the sauan ritual.
On that same day we went to the basketball game again, but we had invited Didzis' twin friends to go with us. Then we went to dinner to MirBurger which is a Turkish burger place. Below you can see a picture of the other grade 5 teacher in the midst of coaching the team.
On Sunday we spent the entire day with Suzanne at the Intercontinental Hotel. Suzanne has joined the fitness club as a member and hosted our visit there. We spent the entire afternoon by the pool relaxing, going into the sauna and steam room, and eating good food. Here are some pics.
After this experience we came home absolutely relaxed and ready for the rest of the week.
Last night Didzis had a movie night with the twins in his class, and I went with Namejs to the work TGIF. There were lots of kids there, and we had the bar turn on the cartoon channel for them. I got to hold a beautiful baby boy and enjoyed the process of time with him, and being able to give him back. :-)
Tonight the friends that I will be travelling with to Samarkand came over, and we had a great sauna/dinner evening. I alwyas have a good time with these guys, and I look forward to them coming to visit me in Latvia at the end of the summer. Here is a picture from last night where you can see the dad feeding the very same baby that I held comfortably...
Last weekend the boys and I also had a busy weekend. On Friday I went to the Tashkent Women's International Group's fashion show. It is a fancy ball. I had agreed to sit with a friend and an entire table of people who I did not really know very well. The friend got sick and left in the middle of the ball.... It was OK, and I got to know a few new people. I had gone together with my friend Suzanne, and our boys had stayed at home together. The next morning we went in the sauna and relaxed. In the above post you will see a series of pictures that will show the sauan ritual.
On that same day we went to the basketball game again, but we had invited Didzis' twin friends to go with us. Then we went to dinner to MirBurger which is a Turkish burger place. Below you can see a picture of the other grade 5 teacher in the midst of coaching the team.
On Sunday we spent the entire day with Suzanne at the Intercontinental Hotel. Suzanne has joined the fitness club as a member and hosted our visit there. We spent the entire afternoon by the pool relaxing, going into the sauna and steam room, and eating good food. Here are some pics.
After this experience we came home absolutely relaxed and ready for the rest of the week.
Sen biju aizmirsusi jusu blogu lasit. Bet no 15. lidz 24. februari biju ciemos pie McFarland gimenes, kura tagad dzivo Lima, Peru. Protams, iznaca runa par vinu LV pazinam un ari par Tevi. Vini nezinaja, kur Tu tagad atrodies. Es vinus apgaismoju. :)
Loti interesanti lasit par jusu piedzivojumiem. Tiesam izklausas, ka jums iet labi un patiesi priecajos to dzirdet.
Neticami, kaa draugi tiek izkaisiti pa malu malam. Mara brauks uz Angolu, viena no manam labakam amisu draudzenem nupat pienema piedavajumu macit skola Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Ja tik man butu laiks un nauda jus visus apciemot!!!
Ar miliem sveicieniem,
Jauki, ka šad tad vari atnākt palasīt. Man ir liels prieks, ka vismaz spēju šo uzturēt, jo nekad mūžā neesmu bijusi ne laba vēstuļu rakstītāja, nedz arī dienas grāmatas rakstītāja. Šis formāts ir kaut kā nodarbojies uz manu psichi. :-)
Ceru, ka Tev gāja labi dienvidamērikā un priecātos par Tavu atbraukšanu uz šeijieni ja Tev sanāk!