Pictures from the holidays in Latvia

After our field trip, I finally downloaded all the pictures on my camera, and realized that I had not posted any about Riga. Really there are very few, and I could especially kick myself for not taking any when Didzis and I were in Aluksne.

Here we are the first day in Riga when the boys were still adjusting to the cold. They had gone out without warm clothing, gloves, hats, and scarfs, saying, oh it's not cold. Within 15 minutes I had to buy them gloves, and zip up. Can you feel the sound of the chattering teeth?

On the 21st during the day I wen to the enthnographic museum where the folk group Skandinieki sang in and danced in the shortest day of the year, and celebrated that the next day the days would become longer. This is one of the buildings that you can see at the ethnographic museum.

Herer they are dressed in their "mummer" costumes. You can see my friend Zinta who is a bear.

Here two horsemen were circling the men in different directions to give them the strength that they will need to work in the next year.

Here we are burning the bad things of the last year. Every one present threw in a small stick to represent their own year. The largest log on the fire had been dragged around the museum by us.

This is my friend Inta with her Mom and their cute dog (can't remember his name right now!), they joined me at the museum.

Here you see the four cousins sitting down to Christmas dinner.

Two boys before eating the duck and salmon. :-)

A short picture gallery, but at least there is a little bit of info. about the trip to Latvia.


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