New Widget

Since I am always curious as to who is reading my blog, but not many people leave comments, I decided to try out this little widget to see if it shows me anything. Maybe it will show me that no one reads it. :-) That is fine too, as I will feel less pressure to update on a regular basis - although right now I have been on a blog roll for the last few weeks.


Anonymous said…
I lover your blog - it gives me insight into a world I never would have been aware of. Both geographically and professionally. Keep it up! Paldies!
Anonymous said…
Love to live vicarously through all of your adventures. Now that I'm older and enjoy being settled I still enjoy adventure but it's more fun to read about it then do it, and it's far more enjoyable and has that extra meaning when you know the person doing it.
beerhauler said…
I'm reading, Gita... Good stuff... I'm not sure how far back I'll go... but I'll do my best to keep up from here on out.


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