Khiva Door Obsession
When I went to Samarkand I found I loved Uzbek doors. This went even further in Khiva because almost every door was made of wood. Here I have some 30 plus doors to share, and the scary thing is that those were only the better pictures I took...
A door in the middle of a wall.
This picture was taken in the dark, and I did not realize that behind the door were mosaics until I uploaded the picture to my computer.
The view to the desert from inside the yurts at Ayzalkala.
Reminiscent of a jigsaw puzzle.
I wonder how many centuries this door has been aoround?
Door leading into the Friday Mosque.
The North Gate.
The same gate from the other side.
A peek into a local Khivan home - see the Khivan pillar in the courtyard?
My absolute favorite from this trip.
An insert from the door that follows.
The West Gate.
A new door...
This door was actually above some steps high above. With the sky peeking through I like to imagine that this is the door leading to a magical place.
A door in the middle of a wall.
This picture was taken in the dark, and I did not realize that behind the door were mosaics until I uploaded the picture to my computer.
The view to the desert from inside the yurts at Ayzalkala.
Reminiscent of a jigsaw puzzle.
I wonder how many centuries this door has been aoround?
Door leading into the Friday Mosque.
The North Gate.
The same gate from the other side.
A peek into a local Khivan home - see the Khivan pillar in the courtyard?
My absolute favorite from this trip.
An insert from the door that follows.
The West Gate.
A new door...
This door was actually above some steps high above. With the sky peeking through I like to imagine that this is the door leading to a magical place.
Patti A.
They were all taken in Khiva - too many to visualize -after a while I gave up on doors and started on pics of pillars, but that is still yet to be posted!