Christmas for our family usually has been about visiting, preparing food and spending time together. While in Australia I spent a lot of time in the kitchen meeting the food preparation aspect. We baked piparkukas (gingerbread cookies) a total of 3 times while in Australia, made piragi, and I spent a whole day preparing food for my Uncle's 85th birthday party. The piragi were also for the party. There is something to be said for getting to bake cookies together with Vecmamma.
Christmas Eve we went to the local Latvian church, where the service was spent singing Christmas carols. I also got to meet a couple that I had met on my last trip to Australia at the Jaunatnes dienas 21 years ago in Melbourne. They had recently moved to Perth. We have also reconnected on Facebook again. Upon our return home we made a wonderful salmon dinner and chatted most of the evening. Here is a picture of myself with my Mum.
Christmas Eve we went to the local Latvian church, where the service was spent singing Christmas carols. I also got to meet a couple that I had met on my last trip to Australia at the Jaunatnes dienas 21 years ago in Melbourne. They had recently moved to Perth. We have also reconnected on Facebook again. Upon our return home we made a wonderful salmon dinner and chatted most of the evening. Here is a picture of myself with my Mum.