Vacation so far...

Today is Monday of the one week vacation. So far:

1. We are babysitting a Maltese dog for our friend from school. As the dog has hair and not fur, we are testing the allergy levels to see if Didzis and I can manage. It is also a test to see how responsible the boys can be in the process of care for this sweet dog. It may lead to us eventually looking for this breed and getting a dog of our own which the boys really want.

2. I am still sick - it might be giarrdhea, but the diagnosis is not definitive...I will just ride it out and see where it goes. Right now I am enjoying the sleeping that it allows for.

3. Tonight is a sleepover for one of Didzis' friends and one of Namejs' friends.

4. I am looking forward to Daina, Emija, and Liga arriving on Friday morning early! Lots to show and share with them. :-)

5. I will have to go into work on Wednesday to get some things done. :-(


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