A painful session

Today I had acupuncture again.  This is my 12th session since I began.  Today was the worst, and most painful session I had had since I began this whole process.  When he initially placed all the needles, everything was fine, if not a bit shocking that in both legs and one arm, all the needles seemed to interact with the last needle he placed in each appendage.  What I mean is that the last needle placed seemed to shoot energy directly to each of the other needles in the same appendage. 

This was a a short lived peace, until about 10 minutes into the session, after the doctor and assistant left, the shock continued to travel up and down my legs and arm, almost in a wave through the body.  This would have been fine, except, the shock amped up the pain with each wave. It honestly felt like someone was sending a constant electric shock through both my legs and arm.  I just couldn't stand the pain anymore, and I began to cry.  I had thought that the assistant would return within a half hour and that perhaps I could manage that long, but she had been waylaid by another patient.  Someone came into the room and I thought it was her, but suddenly they left, and I called out for them to stay.  I yelled for someone to come, but no one heard me. 

I had to relieve some of the pain, so I started to pull out the needles from my arms.  Imagine my shock to realize that the needles in the joint of my arm were longer than 4cm long and I had to keep pulling to get them out.  The relief was palpable once they came out - one less area of constant pain, and I could calm myself down a bit.  Finally some one came in the room searching for needles and they sent someone to help me.  By then though I was blubbering mess, and couldn't stop crying.  Probably the needles opened some kind of emotional channel on top of everything else.

Once the needles were out, the pain ended, but there was a residual throb, almost like what I imagine arthritis would feel like.  The assistant made me stretch my legs and helped me to get them strengthened and straightened.  She said I had been in the room for 45 minutes, but I checked my watch after and am pretty sure it was closer to an hour.  She apologized and promised to not leave me like this the next time I come.  I myself am surprised that I will return next week.  Perhaps my awareness of the benefits makes me ready to go back.  However, if I have another session like this one I will be hard pressed to make myself go back again so quickly. 

As I sit in bed now, my legs still ache.  It feels like I had long work out, and the muscles are tired and sore from lactic acid.  Maybe in some way that is exactly what happened.  My energy channels were exercised - or perhaps in this case exorcised is a better way of putting it. 


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