Finally in Putrajaya

On Saturday I moved into my apartment. But before I could do so, I had to get to Putrajaya. It was hilarious, because my Sat-Nav kept taking me round and round the hotel telling me to turn left where there was no left turn. I felt like there was a conspiracy to keep me at the hotel. After four times around I purposely took a completely different direction and then it was able to get me on the right route, by…recalculating. The device was set to a British voice that kept telling me to take slip roads and other strange things! I figured out that those are exit and entrance ramps, but needless to say later on in the evening I changed to the American voice choice.

Upon arrival at the apartment complex I found my agent who had been waiting there since 1:00 for the furniture. I arrived around 4:30. When it came, the furniture finally arrived around 6:30. It was actually quite amazing to get the furniture by then as you need to realize that this is the Saturday before the almost week long holiday and the majority of people were leaving or had already left town. At any rate, I got three mattresses and my couch. Thus I have somewhere comfortable to sit, and my choice of three beds in which to sleep. Almost like goldilocks… but in this case all three mattresses are exactly alike. The rest of the furniture will likely arrive the Tuesday after the holiday. Although it doesn’t worry me too much, I am not completely sure how it will be to live out of a suitcase for another week and a half, but I am sure we will survive this too.

The rest of the weekend I spent taking different people to the store as I am the only one who was able to manage getting my car this week. Everyone else will have theirs only after the holidays. My funny driving story for this weekend is that following the Sat – Nav I took a left turn and ended up on a motorcycle road instead of what I thought was to be an exit! The road parallels the main highway, and is meant for motorcycles only. Luckily my car is small enough that it fits quite nicely. The only reasons I realized it was not quite right was f because the exit seemed awfully long, and this was suddenly confirmed by signs that were soooo low that only small cars could fit under them! The other issue was that there was no clear way to get off it back onto the highway. I had to stop and go back on using a motorcycle on ramp. I can’t imagine what other drivers thought of seeing me on this road! Thank goodness there were neither motorcycles nor police about. :-)

On Sunday I also think we might have set a record for how many people and belongings we fit into my little Myvi. Leaving the mall with three other people and the shopping from three different stores for four different family groups, the car was crammed full. Sadly I didn’t have my camera! The looks we were getting from the locals were hilarious. They honestly didn’t think that we would fit the four trolleys worth of goods in the car on top of those already there, and all four European women. :-)

At any rate, I have settled in a bit, I have the key things that I need to be ready for work – a place to work and plan, an ironing board with iron so I look somewhat respectable after washing and drying my clothing. I have a full fridge for when the boys return and a place for all of us to sleep. I don’t really need much more than this. But I am still hoping to hear that today my shipment will arrive. Am I tempting my luck??


Anonymous said…
I'm so glad you're settling in nicely. I know what it's like to have to furnish an apartment, I'm sure you'll love decorating it!


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